First week at Ball State University

1st week of school  
Dear reader,

The first week of school is over!
It was a long, busy, stressful week.

To start with, we had the first qualification for the first tournament in the first three days.
We played 36 - 18 and 18 holes, it went well and I qualified for the first tournament at Purdue!
I was super happy with it, because this is one of the best tournaments with a strong field.

Everything seems great on social media, almost like a dream life I have, but to be honest...
Besides the good golf results, I really struggled with the first week of school.

I definitely didn't have a nice roommate.
Her lifestyle and schedule were completely opposite to mine.
I didn't get much sleep which made my days feel even longer, I wasn't completely fit which was stressful in combination with my qualification.
At the same time, I had a difficult start at school.
I had been given some kind of 'elective subjects' (to get enough hours at school), but those subjects were difficult: Astronomy (it is not just memorizing planets, but really serious knowledge about the universe is required for this. What I don't have...) and American art history compared to contemporary art are examples of the types of electives...
Fortunately, I was able to drop them and switch to more matching courses from my major (law).

As I write this piece (1 week after my first NCAA tournament -> check other update) I have just received my keys to my new apartment.

I'm so happy!! Moving my stuff is quite a thing, but my coach and teammates help me with that 🙂

So after a difficult start, everything is finally starting to run smoothly.

I will provide an update every other week about my competition schedule, results and other news

Love Sophie